Kamis, 27 Desember 2007

How to Attract People


So you want to attract people? You don't need to be in movies or making music to do this, anyone can attract people to them by simply being themselves.

Things You'll Need

  • self-confidence
  • self-esteem


1 Step One

Start small and say hi to people you've seen more than once either at school or at the workplace. Or people that know your friends. The next time they will be more inclined to say a little more like how's the weather or what is your opinion on a particular subject.

2 Step Two

Show kindness to others and appreciate what they have to say. People respond to kindness alot better than they do to rudeness and odds are if you are nice to someone like simply saying hi when you see them at work or school, they will respond in the same way.

3 Step Three

Don't be an open book. It is okay to say your name and a little about yourself if the person you are meeting asks. But is not okay if you are on a first date and you say that you've been divorced three times or if you are meeting someone who could be a friend over time, and tell them all the nasty things that xx does.

4 Step Four

Being this open will only make them run away from you not get to know you and you won't know whether someone is worth dating or being friends with if you tell them everything about you in the beginning.

5 Step Five

Join a club or organization where you can meet people who share your interests. Or start your own. Find something that you know would interest people but that there isn't an actual club or organization for it. It doesn't have to be called a club it could just be a place where people go that share the same interests.

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • Getting to truly know someone takes time and it shouldn't be rushed.
  • If you are trying to attract people to you because you don't feel good about yourselves or think if you have many people around it will make you happy,
  • Take a step back and think if this is the reason why you seek attention
  • Being yourself and knowing that you are a great person to be around will make others see you in this way as well
  • if you feel that nothing makes you happy even meeting new people, seek the help of a professional who can help you get to the root of the problem

How to Be Charismatic


Charisma is exuded by those who have it, and envied by those who don't. You don't have to be born with it. You can learn how to be charismatic by tuning into how you interact with others and having self confidence.


1 Step One

See everyone as equal. Having a presence means that people notice you when you are in a room or group of people. Treat everyone as though they are the most important person you will ever meet, and they will remember and notice you for it. Though snobs can be charismatic, they are usually jerks.

2 Step Two

Compliment others. People will remember compliments, and they will remember you are the one that complimented them. Don't go for useless flattery, but pinpoint something you truly like or admire about that person and let them know.

3 Step Three

Pay attention to people. In a group or gathering, truly listen to what people say to you. Look them in the eye, smile and respond with valid questions or comments about the topic at hand. You can be charismatic by taking part in the conversation and having the confidence to speak your mind.

4 Step Four

Gesture to emphasize your speech. By being a more animated speaker, and speaking clearly while making well thought out points, people will be drawn to you. Too often people will get into a group and try to hide in the shadows. They are not exuding presence, they are invisible. Animated speech requires passion and passion is addictive.

5 Step Five

Study up on current events. You need to be in the know about the world and general cultural happenings to be charismatic. Knowledge will help you feel confident walking into any situation, and confidence will help you stand tall and be present in any gathering.

6 Step Six

Put on a show. When low self esteem is a problem that weighs you down in public, simply act confident and charismatic and you will be. Charisma comes from those who are sure of themselves in all settings and they make other people feel at ease. Concentrate on those around you, and not on yourself. This will help you detach from your fears and help those around you feel better.

How to be Absolutely Fabulous!!!


Being Absolutely Fabulous is about truly enjoying life and not taking yourself or anything too seriously.

Things You'll Need

  • Imagination and creativity
  • Courage and determination
  • Good sense of humor


1 Step One

Adopt a signature color... My signature color is orange. It makes me happy, and I wear a lot of it. I've even had friends tell me, "I'm wearing orange in your honor today!"

2 Step Two

Cultivate your sense of humor and fun!! Life is way too short to not have fun. Leave work at work and do things that excite you. It's perfectly acceptable for adults to play. Go roller skating or ice skating... finger paint... Watch nothing but comedy shows... Do whatever pleases you!

3 Step Three

Once in a while, speak with an accent. My favorites are a Southern accent (best when quoting dialogue from Steel Magnolias) and a British accent (but I only sound authentic if I say "a lil spot of tea") or...skip down the street and sing loudly.

4 Step Four

Develop you interests--READ!!! We all have interests that we put on the back burner and forget about. As adults it's so easy to think that life is all about work and duty. Chores will wait... Sit down with a margarita and read about Italian opera or Dutch painters... Take an acting class... Enroll in piano lessons.

5 Step Five

Meet new and exciting people... It's okay to talk to strangers (sorry Mom) if they seem safe. Of course, you should be smart and trust your instincts...but we don't live in a vacuum. We all need connections with people who share our passions and interests. Find your new best friend at the age of 40-- Go on...It's okay!

6 Step Six

Learn to have good conversation... Take a literature class or writing class or join Toastmaster' s General. Learn to talk about your interests in a way that interests others. While you're at it, try to develop your vocabulary.

7 Step Seven

Let life excite you! If you're always bored, I'm sorry, but you must be a boring person. Who can be bored when this world has so much to offer. We have information and ideas at our fingertips...literally. Get out of your chair and take a walk. Go into a store you've never shopped in before... Listen to new music... Discover new things!

8 Step Eight

Look in the mirror every morning and greet your Absolutely Fabulous Self!!!

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • Create your own destiny
  • Try to say Yes and NO when you want to say Yes and No--don't let guilt or expectation make you do things you don't want to do!
  • At least once a day, do something just for you!
  • Absolutely Fabulous people attract other Absolutely Fabulous people--you might OD on Fabulousness... I doubt it!!!
  • Once you go ABFAB you won't go back!

How to Be More Socially Active


If you're unhappy with your social life, here are some ways to become more socially active without driving yourself nuts in the process. It takes time and effort, but if you like people, you'll find the people who like you.

Things You'll Need

  • A journal
  • A sense of humor
  • Sodas and snacks
  • Computer and Internet
  • Printer and supplies
  • Paper for flyers, colored or Astrobrite is best
  • A copy of Robert's Rules of Order


1 Step One

Write about yourself in your journal as if you were writing to a new friend. Write about what you like to do, what you like to eat, where you enjoy going, what you're interested in talking about. Just freewrite several times to see what comes up. If you feel lonely, write about the loneliness -- and ask yourself why you're lonely.

Reasons for loneliness range from shyness to logistic problems like moving to a new home or starting a new job and losing many of your social connections. When you know why you want to be more socially active, then you've got the beginnings of how to become more socially active.

If the only reason you want to become more socially active is that other people are pressuring you to, tell them no. There is no reason to waste your time socializing unless you genuinely enjoy it and have real reasons to hang around with those particular people. Whatever you choose to do, don't worry about other people's opinions of you. They don't matter nearly as much as yours, since you're the one who has to live in your life and you only have as much free time as you do.

2 Step Two

Socialize on the Internet. This will do several things. For shy people, it's much easier to get to know people on the Internet first. There's less risk of getting tongue-tied or anxious, and by the time you meet them, they're already familiar. This is one of the easiest ways to meet new people that there is, because it's so topical.

You're not just going out to meet "people" and worried about making an impression on them. Follow your real interests. If you like model railroads and prefer railroads before 1900 -- then find the websites for model railroading and antique railroads. Don't bore everyone else with it and don't hold back your real enthusiasm. You're as interesting to them as they are to you.

Anyone's passion is someone else's crashing boredom. So seek out birds of a feather. Journaling helped discover what your real interests and hobbies are, so indulge them.

Try to find local websites too, sites based in your area that share your interests. If there isn't one, go to a free hosting site and start one, or start a community on LJ or Blogger for people from your area who share your interests. Making friends online has spared a lot of shy people oceans of anxiety -- and created real-life social clubs.

3 Step Three

Visit local specialty stores for interests you're passionate about. If you like art, go to art stores, if you enjoy painting miniatures or roleplaying games, a gaming store, if you like videogames, a videogame store. Look for bulletin boards with flyers for local clubs on something relating to your interests. Someone else may have been trying to get a group together to enjoy Dungeons and Dragons or fly tying or crochet -- and half your work's done for you.

Call the contact numbers on any flyers for clubs you like and find out how to join from there.

4 Step Four

If you can't find a local club for your interests, consider founding a local chapter of a national club or starting a local club from scratch. It's a little easier with local chapters of national clubs, because they already have lots of material on what the club's about and its usual activities. Download everything, get permission to open a chapter.

Design a flyer for it, put it up in stores relevant to the club's specialty interests. Video rental stores are good for TV-movie fan clubs, hobby shops for crafts, art stores for art clubs. Don't forget to put flyers in the public library and the grocery store too. Set a date for the planning meeting at a local coffeehouse or restaurant and put your phone number on the flyer as contact number.

Take calls, give directions and at the first meeting discuss what the chapter wants to do. Where to hold meetings, what activities everyone wants and how to adapt the club's purpose to the individuals who showed up are important discussion topics.

From there, just stay involved and participate. You might or might not be elected president, but you will almost certainly wind up as an officer for showing up at the founding meeting. Your social life will be so packed that you will more likely have trouble finding time to be alone.

5 Step Five

Starting a club from scratch is very similar, but it takes a little more work and a lot of thought about the subject of the club, what activities you want to do at the club and what sort of commitment you want to make to it. Meeting once a month is a good thing for new clubs, because it means you get plenty of time to plan and phone around to those people who showed up at the first meeting to decide what to do next. No one's overloaded with responsibility.

Don't ask for dues at first. Just pass the hat at meetings to cover expenses, and set that aside in the club treasury for club activities like throwing parties. If you do fundraisers, you'll get more money and be able to do more expensive activities like weekend camping trips or renting a bigger meeting space.

Organizing clubs is mostly a matter of putting in the time and commitment, which means caring about what the club's about and not being afraid to call people up. Be prepared to pitch in and find a replacement for any volunteer who can't show up to an event, or to take care of it for yourself. If it gets large, you will have other volunteers who are just as passionately involved as you are, or more so. Sometimes founders don't remain officers, just keep going to meetings and let it roll on its own momentum. If someone else is very active and effective, don't get egotistic about running it -- let them do it, and reap the rewards of a better social life. That's what you set out to do anyway!

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • Volunteering for things that need to be done will make organizations value your membership.
  • Any organization that wants to accomplish something needs more members, if you care about the topic you can fill your social life with charity, politics, church work or wildlife conservation
  • If there isn't a club for your personal favorite interests, create one! It's as easy as posting a flyer and bringing the chips.
  • Don't let churches, clubs and organizations block so much of your free time that you don't really enjoy it any more. Keep a healthy balance between social time and personal time.
  • Never join a club just to meet potential dates, that's a bad way to proceed with romance and it can wreck your enjoyment of the club. Be sociable and date friends you trust after you know them well.

How to Become Friends With a Foreigner


There are simple steps one can take to make friends with that foreign person in your classroom, aerobics class or boardroom. Follow them and in no time you will be rewarded with a multifaceted friendship.


1 Step One

Smile at that person. This is very important. A kind smile can feel so welcoming.

2 Step Two

Keep exchanging glances once in a while. Don't do this too much or it can be taken the wrong way. What you are doing is warming up both of you.

3 Step Three

When you feel ready, come up. Some foreigners feel uncomfortable because they may not speak great English. Don't laugh. Accept their accent and grammatical errors as part of their charm.

4 Step Four

Introduce yourself and chat. People are the same inside, no matter where they come from. Give a genuine compliment. Everyone likes compliments. You might get one in return!

5 Step Five

Eventually suggest going out for coffee, a study date or a tour of the city.

6 Step Six

Read up on the place and culture of your soon-to-be friend. Ask your foreigner questions about their background. Everyone wants to talk about the place where they come from.

7 Step Seven

Help your friend get accustomed to a new way of life. Be supportive.

8 Step Eight

Let your friendship blossom. Don't force it. And remember... a little variety never hurt anyone.

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • Don't ever be judgmental about the ways that seem strange to you. You might understand better, later.

How to Handle Difficult People


Every day you encounter people who just want to be nasty and lead miserable lives. It is even more challenging to have to deal with folks like this when they work next to us. Here are some ideas to help you.

Things You'll Need

  • Patience and perseverance


1 Step One

Don’t let their attitude become contagious. Just because she is snippy with others doesn’t mean you have to return the favor. Be extra nice, but not insincere when you greet her in the morning. Don’t let her drag you down. The bottom line is that whether you like it or not, you have to work with her. Make the best of it.

2 Step Two

Pull her aside and ask her if she is okay and if there is something you can do to help her. Tell her you are sad to see her so unhappy and you want to help. Either she will snip at you more or she might even soften a notch, but only when you’re not looking.

3 Step Three

If she reacts to your efforts constructively, listen to what she has to say. If the reason she is bitter is because she is alone on the holidays, invite her over for a hot chocolate and carol sing. Do something nice to alleviate her situation and she will appreciate it.

4 Step Four

If you do break through the ice with her, try to put yourself in her place. Maybe she has no friends or relatives, or she lost her husband during the holidays or some other bad situation hurt her. Empathize with her circumstances and you may feel more warmth toward her.

5 Step Five

Maybe she will respond to humor. Try to joke around with her, but not at her expense. Find common interests that you can bond with her about. In your dealings with her, if you continue to be calm and compassionate, eventually she will understand that you do not fall for her façade. Maybe she will understand that you want to be friends. If not, you would have lost nothing but a little time and perhaps gained her grudging respect.

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • Getting through takes time, be patient.

How to Start a Conversation


Starting a conversation with a complete stranger can be intimidating and stressful, especially if you feel like you have nothing in common. By swallowing your fears and insecurities, you can learn to easily chat with new people.


1 Step One

Stay up to date on what's happening in the world so that you have plenty of things to talk about. Read the local paper and watch the news so you can knowledgeably participate in discussions about current events.

2 Step Two

Prepare yourself before you attend events where you will meet new people. Rehearse what you will say in front of a mirror.

3 Step Three

Ask a lot of questions. People like to talk about themselves and their lives. However, make sure you keep the questions simple--don't ask anything too personal or invasive.

4 Step Four

Listen to others. People can sense when you're not really interested in what they have to say. They don't want to waste time talking to someone who doesn't listen. You must show a sincere interest in others for them to express a sincere interest in you.

5 Step Five

Take note of what is going on around you. Use your surroundings to come up with a good conversation starter.

6 Step Six

Smile and look others in the eye. Everyone enjoys being around positive, confident people. The more confident you act, the more confident you will become. Relax and stay calm.

7 Step Seven

Keep practicing. Force yourself to strike up conversations with strangers in different situations. The more you practice, the better you will become at starting conversations.

How to Make People Remember You


You have been introduced to that fun girl or that adventurous boy. A week goes by... and they stare blankly as you walk up to say hello. Or you knew someone for a while, years go by, and they come up to your sister to say hi, whom they met just a few times, as you idly stand by. The thing is, you have been more around that person than your sister ever was... It is time to say goodbye to that Wallflower Syndrome!

Things You'll Need

  • Open mind


1 Step One

Smile, smile and smile. Leave your problems at the door, as they say.

2 Step Two

Always show your best side. Leave your moods for your intimate friends.

3 Step Three

Let yourself stand out and lose that unhealthy fear of stealing the show. That means, yes, wear bright colors! Wear some makeup! Let yourself make a joke-even if it flops, who cares? People will remember you as fun and fearless.

4 Step Four

Read up on topics that interest you. Show passion when you talk.

5 Step Five

Pursue a hobby or a volunteering position. Meaning, give your personality some flair! Widen your horizons!

6 Step Six

Don't be afraid to laugh even if no one else thinks the joke is funny. People are attracted to laughter.

7 Step Seven

Be kind. This is very important. Everyone enjoys being around kind people.

8 Step Eight

Don't take yourself too seriously. Have fun being unique. Don't apologize for being who you are-be confident!

9 Step Nine

There are tons of self-help books weighing down the shelves and lots of advice to go around, but the most important advice is-be yourself, just dust off the best of what you've got and let it shine! Become comfortable with that shine, with yourself.

10 Step Ten

As you practice those steps you will realize that there is so much more to you than you have previously thought. Celebrate that! And ... watch them remember you.

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • Being unique is key. Let yourself be special, not like everyone else.
  • Make sure you do not over react. Don't force anything.

How to make friends


There's a certain beauty in being a lone wolf (people with no friends). You have more time to do things you want to do, like talk to yourself, play solitaire, write poetry, or try to carry that couch into your new apartment all by yourself. If that's not your bag, though, there are literally billions of potential friends in the world. What's more, many of these people want to make friends just as much as you do. So just follow these steps to meet new people and form strong, lasting friendships with at least some of them.

Things You'll Need

  • Just an open mind


1 Step One

Get out and meet people! If you want to make friends, you first need to meet people. No matter where you live, this should be fairly easy. Just in case you're stumped, here are just a few suggestions.
A way to make a friend is to not be shy; go up to that person ask questions, like "what is your name?" Act friendly and be honest and trustworthy.

2 Step Two

Join a club with people of common interests. You don't necessarily have to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them--in fact, some of the most rewarding friendships are between two people who don't have much in common at all--but if you have something in common with people, it can make it a lot easier to talk to them and plan activities initially. Whatever your age and whatever your interests, there is a club or organization for you.

3 Step Three

Volunteering is a great way for people of all ages to meet others. By working together you build bonds with people, and the fact that you're devoting your time to something free of charge shows that you're compassionate and unselfish, two traits of good friends.

4 Step Four

Be fun to be around. You don't have to be a superstar to be fun. You don't even have to do cartwheels. You do need to be positive and friendly, however, so that people feel good when they're around you. From the very first conversation you have with someone, you should use body language to convey that you are affable, non-threatening, and approachable. Smile frequently, laugh often, and make eye contact. In your words, be confident, but don't be cocky, condescending, or mean-spirited.

5 Step Five

Be a good listener. Many people think that in order to be seen as "friend material" they have to appear very interesting. Far more important than this, however, is the ability to show that you're interested in others. Listen carefully to what people say, remember important details about them (their names, their likes and dislikes), ask questions about their interests, and just take the time to learn more about them. People love to talk about themselves, and the easiest way to be likable is to listen. You don't want to be the guy or girl that always has a better story than anyone else or that changes the subject abruptly instead of continuing the flow of conversation. These people appear too wrapped up in themselves to be good friends.

6 Step Six

Be trustworthy. One of the best things about having a friend is that you have someone to whom you can talk about anything, even secrets that you hide from the rest of the world. The key to being a good confidante is the ability to keep secrets, so it's no secret that you shouldn't tell other people things that were told to you in confidence. Before people even feel comfortable opening up to you, however, you need to build trust. Be honest about yourself and your beliefs, and don't gossip about others or spread rumors.

7 Step Seven

Be true to yourself. A good friend sometimes does things he or she doesn't want to do, such as helping a friend move or going to see a band that you don't really like, but you should never feel pressured to do something you think is wrong. Stay true to your convictions and beliefs, and if this causes you to lose some friends, you're better off without them. You'll also find that your integrity may help you win a lot of other friends, and if you just be yourself you'll make friends who like you for who you are.

8 Step Eight

If you're around a new place, try to find people who are not attached to a group and strike up a conversation about anything—the weather, the environment that you're in, clothes, whatever. In school, for example, befriending new students can help you make new friends.

Accept everyone for who they are and never bring anyone down or try to change someone (especially if they've done nothing to hurt or offend you). This communicates insecurity. If you don't get along with someone, try avoidance instead of creating a rivalry.

Always be nice to everybody

Remember when making new friends always be yourself.